Private Label vs. Brand Name Calling Cards
High speed T2 connections: These carry data to and from the VOIP gateway
VOIP Gateway: allows the incoming calls to be routed to the destination phone numbers via the internet.
Calling Card Platform: A system that manages cards you create. This is the system used to set your per minute rates and carrier routes.
Private label phone cards make their money by charging a premium on the “carrier rates” that they pay for the call. Carrier rates are like wholesale per-minute rates to a certain destination. For example, if the shared calling card infrastructure allows the private label calling card company to select a calling route from continental
I haven’t talked much about brand name calling cards in this post, but we refer to these cards as calling cards created by companies that do not retail their own cards. For example, Group of Goldline manufactures many high quality calling cards, but a consumer cannot buy these cards directly from Goldline, you must buy the cards from a variety store or on-line retailer that sells their products. We think it is important for the retailer and manufacturer to remain separate. This is because a bias may develop to push private label cards over cards better suited to the user.
A big problem with most private label calling cards is that the manufacturer is completely unknown to the user and that the cards are pre-paid. Imagine if this manufacturer went bankrupt or even worse: decided to shut down this particular calling card and create a new one. You may be stuck with a pre-paid calling card that no longer works.
Tavis McKenzie
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